This is not a year for chasing or forcing shit,
it’s a year of breaking free from the old ways that no longer work
and aligning with new ways of being, new ways of living,
including all of you and including nature.
Let the old go.
Be Still………
Why Be Still, if you’re new to my blog, check out this post
Tagged 100daysofphotos, 100daysofstillness, abstract_photography, beyondthisreality, camerapainting, creativeandabstractphotography, creativephotography, fineart photography, icm_community, icmphoto, icmphotographer, icmphotography, impressionistphotography, intentionalcameramovement, jodiburkephotography, nature, photoimpressionism, sonyalpha, sonyalphafemale, sonycamera, sonyfemale, sonyphotography, sonypictures