2014 Thoughts

2014 was a very interesting year for me. I had many experiences this year – ALL about growth, not always fun but reflecting back ooooh so worth it!!. If we are not stretching ourselves and growing / expanding then decay, death, aging, limitation set in. Some were hard, a few even painful lessons but many more lessons and experiences were amazing. I had to let some people go in my life and guess what? New, more healthy, conscious people came into my life to help me further on my path that I strayed from and because of that even more amazing things have been happening.
As the last few hours of 2014 are upon us – take some time to reflect over the past year and set clear intentions on what you would like to experience, create, feel, allow in in 2015 – YOU are the creator of your life – live it to the fullest in ALL areas!!
May Love, Health, Happiness and Abundance be in your world today and always!!!
Thank you for stopping by and being here!!
Much Love
Jodi Burke