30 Days of Photos #8
I missed posting yesterday yet the image was finished – honestly 🙂 – it’s expresses how I was feeling.
Somewhat in the dark, contracted yet allowing expression to come through in a different way.
During the process of peeling back old skin, stepping into new energies – aka being an artist  with a vision and a message – yet it’s new skin / energy for me, so I am still deprogramming from old ways of being, thinking and living.
I have learned to surrender, go within, meditate, journal, breath, cry, laugh, create and allow.
Not always easy, yet for me, when I do it, I come through even stronger after.
This time was big for me.
It is opening me up to a more expanded, deeper, more creative me.
Even though those moments seem dark, it’s ok to go within yet move the energy so you don’t stay stuck in that place.
For me, when I step into more of me, let go of old ways/energies that aren’t me, don’t serve me, it’s very INlightening and freeing.
Everything is energy, the more I honoured these times, the more awarenesses for me comes up to shift into new ways and higher vibrations which is why we are here and empowers us.
We were not meant to stay stuck, allow the flow.
We are more than we realize.
Even in the dark – the night, as in this photo – I put the moon as a reminder – there is light there too.
It is also a good time to get out of the head and into the heart.
It is also a long exposure photo, that was taken early in the morning for the soft water – for me that reminds me to breath – long, hold, let it go and that so helps move and shift energies.
And gets me out of my head!
Go breath today and walk in nature barefoot!
What did I call this one?
Light within the Dark.
Wow, this shot is magical. Glowing and mystical. It stills my heart with a sense of wonderment.
Awesome – job done then!! thank you!