5 Senses

Blake said that the body was the Soul’s prison unless the 5 senses are fully developed and open.
He considered the 5 senses the ‘Windows of the Soul’.
When sex involves the senses intensely, it can be like a mystical experience!
– Jim Morrison
The 5 senses are touch, taste, hear, smell and sight that is part of being human. Not everyone has all and some go deep into one such as a gourmet chef, artist, musician and so on.
I want to leave you with some things to consider about the 5 senses.
Touch – do we use our arms, legs, fingers, hands or bodies to truly touch – ourselves as in a hug or others (appropriately of course) but in hugs too or do we touch someone with our hearts ever?

Hear – do we take the time to listen instead of talk? Or spend some time in quiet and hear our own thoughts? Spend some time in nature away from noise pollution – when was the last time you really listen to birds chirping or even the stillness of the quiet?
Smell – how often do we really appreciate the smell of some amazing things – good foods, essential oils, nature, a smell of someone you love up close?

Sight – how often do we take a few minutes to take a good look around at where we are or do you just see the same old? How often do we see something but only from our perspective and often times it’s a closed one? Real creativity, imagination and goals are first unseen.

Taste – how often do we take the time to rally taste our food instead of gulping it down or eating while in front of the tv, computer or phone or the same foods weekly? When was the last time you tried new foods? Real foods? Are you eating real foods or avoiding them due to much processed chemical concoctions labelled as food so you don’t like real food any more or can’t taste it?
Oooh, what about your 6th sense? Do you know about that one?
Sixth sense, is our ability to perceive the subtle-dimension or the unseen world of angels, ghosts, energies auras, etc. Clairvoyance, premonition, intuition are synonymous with sixth sense or subtle perception ability.
Your 6th sense should be your 1st sense!

We each have a 6th sense that is attuned to the ONEness dimension in life, providing a means for us to guide our lives in accord with our ideas.
– Henry Reed
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