7 Day Challenge – Do Something New

Ever since doing the 30 Day Photo Challenge, I felt there was something more, something different.
I saw this Tedx talk the other day – and I thought to myself what a great idea!!
For 365 days, this guy did something new every day, now that is stretching your growth, imagination and experiences for sure!!
So often, we get into the same old, same old every day – we go to work the same way, see the same people, eat at the same places etc
What have you been wanting to do that you haven’t done?
What have you been saying that ‘one day I’ll……..? (you fill in the space)
What have you ben wanting to do but are afraid, or fear what others may think? (as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else :))!
This is an invitation to step out of your comfort zone and do, try, eat, experience something new for the next 7 days.
You can keep it all to yourself or share it – but just do something!!
There are no rules, nothing is good / bad or right / wrong – with integrity of course 🙂
Each minute, each day gives us a fresh opportunity of a choice – we can keep choosing the same thing or experience from the buffet table of what life has to offer. If you don’t like it, now you know and don’t have to experience it again.
If you do like it, then you can have more of it – yet until you try it you will never know!
In the past week, here are a few of my new experiences –
ate Chilaquiles – a Mexican style breakfast, took a Spanish class (always one day), tried shooting 2 new ways and because of that I had to learn had to edit a new way (the above image), I painted my toenails Gold as I’v never done that always stayed with plain colors, sat and talked with my new bff the rooster and it was rather entertaining.
Ideas – but the list is endless
have a space day or even just a massage, pedi, mani or facial that you’ve always wanted to experience (male or female like why not??!)
cooking class
art class
painting class
spend an entire day at the beach
go to the park for a picnic
play pickle ball (or any other sport)
learn a second language
go out for lunch in that cafe you keep seeing
go to an art museum
sky dive (ok that might be extreme but why not??)
hot air balloon ride
take that trip you’ve always wanted to
try some food you’ve never tried (the list there could be endless)
got waxed – male or female
play an instrument
go for a long walk in nature
get some energy work done
have a reading by a psychic
talk to a stranger
take some pet supplies to the animal shelter
take food to the homeless
I could go on………..if not now, why?
The only time there is, is Now!
Create a fantastic magical day!!