Akashic Records

Akashic Records – Etheric Records of ALL Souls Lives


Akasha is not empty space.  It is Ether. Ether is a subtle dimension of existence.  Without Akasha, you cannot live for a moment.

     –  unknown

Important encounters are planned by the Souls long before the bodies see each other.

     –  Paulo Coelho

The meaning of life is to find Your Gift, the purpose of life is to give it away.

     –  Pablo Picasso

Your Akashic Records holds the truth to who You are in this and every other lifetime that you’ve had.

They re the records of your Soul’s Journey.

Every single religious context talks about them yet it may be called something different – i.e. The Book of Life – your life and each other Soul’s life.

The Akashic Records have been used since the dawn of man – as each Soul has their own record.

On planet Earth we live in what is called the 3rd dimension, the Records are accessible in the 5th dimension – where all time is now. It is also called the field.

What is in each record?

Everything you’ve experienced in each lifetime and possibly future lifetimes – all the lessons, what you went through, thought, felt has been ‘recorded’ in an energetic record.

Everything IS Energy – we are creating each moment of the day – consciously or unconsciously.  Things from our past could be affecting our nows.  Learning who we are through the Akashic records helps to see though the veil , clear the blocks, remember the truth of who we are and what our gifts are.

I started reading the Akashic Records about 6 years ago. I wasn’t fully ready at the time and went on to learn much more.  Returning back to them, it has opened my eyes up deeper and learn even more about myself and I’ve been able to clear much that nothing else seemed to work.  The readings I have done for others has brought clarity, confirmation and healing.  It always amazes me at what comes up when I work with someone, especially someone I don’t know and how accurate the information ends up being.

I encourage you to reach out to me or someone who is able to read the records, especially if you notice same patterns going on in your life – you know different face, different place, but the same old same old and the common denominator is you!! 🙂

There is much beyond the 5 senses that affect us more than we realize as everything IS energy.  Energy modalities will be coming more front and centre BIG time over the next few years – it’s part of the awakening process!

Now that I understand better energy, dimensions etc your past can affect your now yet it can also be cleared.  The more we learn and know about ourselves at a deeper level, the more we can move into Love and Self Love,  make better choices that align with who we truly are and life seems to be more in the flow.

I just have never been into years of counselling – this is faster, easier and more direct!

Enjoy the Full Moon




Click here to find out more info or to book a Session for Akashic Records


We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through.
Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love
and then we return home — Australian Aboriginal proverb

Leave the Doors Closed on Old Energies or People, Situations or Things that NO Longer Serve You – Some Things are Meant to Stay in the Past