Conditions of People

For the last several weeks, I have been educating myself in an area, I hate to admit, but I knew little about……..finances.
Now, we all think we know things, but in reality most of us don’t, as 85% of Canadians are in debt, spending $1.45 for every $1 we earn and I can only imagine what the US numbers are. That to me states we really don’t know.
Debt is growing and continues to do so.
I’ve often said, advertising makes us believe that it’s never good enough, fast enough, new enough, big enough or we’re good enough…….so we’re always searching for something to make us feel better, even if only temporary.
We want to keep up with the Jones. By, the way, who the hell are the Jones anyways?? I could never figure that one out!!!
People are stressed more, losing their jobs, (ah job security…….I’ll talk more on that later!!), living pay cheque to pay cheque hoping things will change.
Definition of insanity? Keep doing what you’re doing and expecting things to be different.

Here’s a thought, stop, take a deep breath, start a budget, I know it’s not fun, but you have to know where your money is going, if there’s more month left at the end of the money, you might just be surprised on what you’re spending it. But, maybe you’re just not making enough…….there is alot to go around in this abundant universe, so
Create another stream of income.
Muiltiple streams of income is what is needed these days, unless of course you like working for the man, having them tell you how much you’re worth, when you work and when you can take time off!!
I know so many people that have ‘good’ jobs, live pretty simply and still can’t make ends meet………and yet they hope.

It’s time to wake up and do things differently!!
Aren’t you worth a better life??

Love to hear your thoughts on that!!

Oh yeah, an after thought, if after reading this you’re thinking any ‘yeah buts’…….ask yourself how’s that serving you?
Keeping you small or stuck. Then go back and check in with my last post.