Attracting Point
Look at Nature – She Acts Unlimited!!

Think of yourself as a human magnet, constantly attracting what you speak, think AND feel.

  –  unknown

Us human beings are magnets, and as energy works in this U-niverse, we are continually attracting of like – like vibrations on many levels. Whatever or wherever our attracting point is  – is reflected back to us called our life.

Your physical body is charged through the emotional field AND is just a processor for emotions.

E – Motions is Energy in Motion and when it’s not the body is not at ease – DIS-ease and the body is 70% plus water – that is why we need lots of good alive water – not dead like what is sold in those cheap plastic bottles but live from the earth – spring water or you can bring water back to some life via structured water.

The mind is where we have our thoughts that are electrical – that is why we so need minerals – lots of minerals.

And thoughts are Energy too.

The heart is magnetic – it needs lots of Love starting with Self, love for what one does each and every moment, Joy and Gratitude.

Now what does this mean?

Everything is Energy – thoughts become things that is how energy changes form.
Get Creative!!


When we take care of the physical body with lots of water, mineral, love and Gratitude, we can think clearer,  know our purpose, our passions, as we feel good physically.  When we heal the emotions and allow unconditional love for self and others and forgiveness of any so called perceive mistakes in the past (usually means deeper inner work to release any old painful memories etc) and doing what we love to be doing, spending time with people we love, living life that includes doing what brings us joy, being fully present in the moment,  it’s then easily to be connected more with Source – or Spirit or God or the Field or – as you will be in a higher state of consciousness and all he higher vibrations are stepping in the direction of Creating Heaven on Earth – that is what was meant by that phrase.

And that is how you create an attracting point – Manifestation

Intention & Elevated Emotion leads to desire action which is an attracting point or a higher state of energy which is frequencies  – living in a way that is aligned with your highest vibration where peace, love & joy do exist!!

It is YOUR life right? If you aren’t creating it then who is??

Food for thought!


Oh yeah – Lighten Up & Have More Fun – it’s Great Energy too!!