
You take the blue pill and the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill – you’re still in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
– Morpheus The Matrix
Part of my awakening continued as I ended out 2018 sick with the flu that went on too long. Detoxing and a compromised immune system from being vegan too long.
I was frustrated so I knew I had to dive into surrendering and letting go of that frustration as frustration is a lower frequency energy.
It was a good time to go inside deeper as it was all so cold in Mexico I felt I had done a lot of work in 2018 and 2017 a lot of internal work but I didn’t really feel grounded or solid in a new direction and then because I surrendered and cleared the energies of frustration(ok slept lots too) a lot of things started to shift and the work I have been doing paid off.
Deeper awarenesses came through and the veil got even thinner.
More and more of us have been waking up to all our masks, false identities, fake personas, lies, deception and manipulations that we have here in this reality and how we also do it to ourselves. Narcissists are all over social media and they run our countries yet we have been programmed to believe that it’s normal.
It’s not!!
Part of the awakening is no longer being able to stand for old concepts or beliefs that just do not work.
The dense consciousness of control and abuse that has enslaved the masses for thousands of years is finally shattering. This is why the timing for eradicating abuse patterns is so perfectly aligned.
As anything less than Love is unacceptable.
Look around – then decide for you – based from fear or based from love.
Once I let go of my frustration and surrendered I realized that I was still keeping myself ‘busy’ – getting sick was a way to slow me down really down this time.
To let myself do nothing has never come easy to me………now I had no choice!
Shortly after is when I downloaded a new book – I wrote for several hours and the outline came through flowing easily and effortlessly.
More was unveiling itself to me since I could hear and not resist.
About Awakening, is really about remembering and soul connecting.
At first, or even sometimes the path seems rocky – keep going – it’s worth it!!
If that’s considering taking the red pill and unplugging from The Matrix – then I am all in and it’s going to be one hell of a year!!!
2019 is about letting go of all that scattered discordant low vibrational frequencies that are built on abuse, lies and manipulations so truth, authenticity and integrity become to new norm!!
I am trying to free your mind, Neo.
But I can only show you the door.
You’re the one that has to walk through it.
– Morpheus
The Matrix was really more of a documentary.