Beauty From the Inside Out

What does beauty from the inside out really mean?
As you know I love eating healthy, and helping, guiding, inspiring others to do the same.
We have been so programmed and lied to by tv, advertising and hidden agendas from corporations that are for profits not health – that it’s confusing and overwhelming for the average person these days. I so get that!!
Our bodies are the biggest source and signals for what is truly going on inside, but we’ve been taught to ignore that, not to trust our inner guidance ( and many if not most people are shut off from that connection). If we need to go to the dr’s for some reason – the dr. may spend 10 mins with you, doesn’t ask about what you eat, how you live, if you exercise, mediate, laugh, get sunshine or how much water you drink, have a healthy sex life, if you like or hate your job or even your spouse and so on. Instead they prescribe a pill maybe several in many cases..
Don’t get me wrong, if I broke my leg I would go to the dr’s but not for other things.
Our bodies talk to us, when in pain they are literally screaming at us to pay attention (unless of course you broke your leg :)).
What we eat , put into our bodies can be reflected back in our hair- dry, brittle, shiny etc, our eyes – alive or dull, skin tones – dry flakey, dull or radiant, clean and clear or full of acne etc
Also our thoughts and emotions reflect out from our bodies as well.
Most people that are eating healthy live foods, also have mostly healthy thoughts and feelings ( no one is perfect nor should they be) that are self empowering, self loving, vibrant, alive and have more life.
Chances are they are also taking time for life enhancing or healthy things like exercise, yoga, nature, laughter, good sex, water, (oops wrong order??? Lol) fulfilling relationships ( in other words loving not draining or drama causing relationships) and work that inspires them and that they love (notice I didn’t use the word job???).
I’m on my way to catch a ferry this am and was in rush hour traffic – I cannot imagine doing this every day, how much time does it take and suck from someone not to mention energy?? I look at people’s eyes and faces and see so much stress………..the body talks.
The point I am making here is we have been programmed to believe that these shampoos, or this skin care line or this product for acne etc etc will take care of things. How many times have you tried something and it didn’t work or only works for a little while and then stops? Or that we have to keep up with the Jones – who the hell are they anyways? Or we need to fit in – according to who? Trading time for money and at the same time letting someone else decide your worth. Or how it’s never new enough, big enough, fast enough,……..according to who????
I want to leave you with some questions to ponder……..
What is real health to you?
What is real wealth to you?
Are you feeling as good as you cold be?
Who’s programming have you boughten into – the dr’s, tv commercials, ads, collective consciousness or yours?
What feeds your soul and are you doing it?
When was the last time you laughed and laughed and laughed?
When was the last time your went for a walk in nature?
How much clean water (no not bottled) are you drinking?
How much fresh or live foods are you eating?
When was the last time you meditated or were fully present?
Do you love what you do or spend most of your time at? (i.e. work)
Are your relationships healthy, fun, empowering?
Do you have a healthy relationship and sex life with your partner?
Is there open and honest communication in your life?
How much tv do you watch?
Do you spend our free time doing things you love to do?
Do you spend any time on self care?
Do you exercise or do any body movement?
Keep is simple – eat real foods ( not from a package) as much as possible, use green foods and Superfoods, use body products that are free of chemicals, toxins and artificial additives, think and feel amazing – no matter what is going on. Yes we all have crap in our lives but it’s not what is going on around you it is what is going on inside of you that matters!! Find ways that nurture you!
Weed and tend to that garden of weeds daily (mind bs like judgement, criticism especially towards self, dramas).
Instead focus on
Self Love
Being Present
Eating Clean
That is true beauty from the inside out!
Create an amazing day and a Life YOU love!!!
Jodi – Perfectly stated blog post on the beauty inside and out. And how its not just about the food we eat, but also what we do and feed our minds too. Blessings!
You bet!! Thanks for stopping by!