Beets with Dill “Cheese”

With the holidays coming up – I will be posting recipes that may help with getting through the holidays without giving in to temptation, old habits, even crappy food that happens during the holidays. I know it can be hard when you get caught up in the moment, but with some pre-planning – things could be different this year!!
Last night I took my son to a viewing of the Documentary ‘Cowspiracy’, I eat pretty healthy and gave up all labels (ie raw foodie, vegan, etc) but after watching that documentary I have committed to even more of a plant based way of eating. Everyone needs to watch this as it effects us all and our planet – I thought I knew some things but even I got some surprises from this. We really need to wake up and make different choices!
Ok – off my soap box!! 🙂
One of my old favorite snacks was cheese and crackers – and even though I make raw, dehydrated crackers – sometimes a change is good. Beets with Dill Cheese is easy and pretty quick!! You can make nut cheeses or also called a raw cheese and use instead of dairy cheese – you may be surprised at how tasty they can be, no they don’t melt in the oven like dairy cheese!
By making some of these little changes – the benefits can be big in how one looks or feels. Dairy can be hard on the system and can pack on extra weight, and can be more like a sludge in the system – cutting back on dairy is moving in the direction of healthy eating – remember – we are the ONLY species that drinks another species milk – that milk was made to help baby calves grow – are you a calf? 🙂 You can also get better sources of calcium!!

– 1 -2 Beets depending on the size – peeled and somewhat thinly sliced but not too think as you want to be able to pick them up easily without them folding in half. Once sliced place on plate or cutting board ready for the Dill ‘Cheese”
Dill ‘Cheese’
– 1 cup raw Cashews
– 1/2 cup Lemon
– 2 tbsp Nutritional Yeast
– pinch Himalayan Sea Salt
– 1 tbsp ground Black Pepper
– 1 clove Garlic chopped or minced
– 1/2 cup of Water (approx)
Throw all ingredients into Vitamix or blender, add a little bit of water, blend on high and add a little bit of water as necessary. You do not want this thin, so just add a little water at a time.
Once you have the right consistency, chopped up some dill and stir in (blending it in the Vitamix will make the cheese greenish in color and not leave any dill pieces).
Spoon a spoonful on top of each beet and sprinkle a little more dill over for garnish.
Love the simplicity! I expected the cheese recipe to involve draining and fermenting. This is even easier.
it is easy – this is more like a cream cheese in a sense!