Being More Present
Being Present in Each Moment

Being Present – sounds easy doesn’t it?

It should be yet it’s not – I get tested every day – every moment – we all do.

It’s showing me how little I have been present many times in my life – the now is constantly changing and if we are thinking about the past and should haves and what ifs then we are not present.  If we are worried about the future, stressed about money or whats going to happen then we are not present.

Having a conversation with someone and thinking about your reply as they are speaking we are not present.

Surfing the internet while talking to a friend on the phone – we are not present.

I could go on! 🙂

I had an interesting interaction Sunday morning on the beach – fairly early yet not as early as I usually go – I had my camera on the tripod and I had it aimed at a big rock and some smaller rocks on the edge of the ocean – I was doing long exposure – so it wasn’t a quick point and shoot, but regardless my camera was set up.  Two ladies in their 20’s came along and climbed up the rock – I was about 20 ft away, and they  proceeded to stand on the rock and take selfies for about 10 mins.

Now I could have reacted, gotten pissed off, but I just observed.  I laughed watching it all to be honest and I also watched any judgments I had.  I could have let it ruin my moment, my day or my shoot – I chose none of the above. I am not a person who usually gets angry but I do get frustrated – didn’t choose that one either.
Being Present in each Moment

Conscious Living is about being more present in each and every moment no matter what you are doing or what is going on but it is also about knowing you are the creator of your life and you do have choice in each moment – how you respond or react.

Not always easy I know, yet the more we practice it the easier it will become and life can become more of a flow and more magical!

We all have stories, triggers, patterns and programs running – oh and much brain washing that has happened – by becoming more aware of them, healing, releasing, or clearing them we can become more conscious in our every day lives.

After all, isn’t it YOUR life?


Bentinho Massaru has some great videos on much of this topic and he’s opened up his academy for free!