Being Spiritual
Soul Connection IS Spiritual


Being Spiritual to me means………


Hugging the trees,

Laughing with the flowers,

Watching the sunsets and seeing their beauty,

Listening to the birds sing,

Blessing the water,

Gazing up at the stars – wondering who lives there,

Following the things that bring me joy,

Being fully present in each moment,

Listening to my friends talk, – no really listening

Loving my self – as I would another,

Eating healthy foods for my body,

Smiling at others as I pass them on the street,

Knowing there is more than meets the eye (or ears, or……),

Letting go of all drama and low vibing things,

Being able to be creative and feel the inspiration,

Dancing under the moonlight,

Being naked with my body and seeing the beauty of it,

Unplugging from the matrix,

Believing in the unseen,

Choosing alternative therapies as often as possible,

Feeling grateful for my life and all,

Knowing we are all one,

Feeling the Love

oh yeah and fairy dust too – and lots of it!!


Widen Your Perspective