Ahhh it’s that time of the year…January…after the Christmas / New Year’s bustle, January can be a hard time for some people.
The days are short, and many missing the sun, not to mention the warmth too depending on where you live.
We got some snow here this week, which isn’t always typical where I live, kids love it, so does my dog Spirit.
I watch as this 9 year old dog turns into almost puppy like.
I watch him enjoying the moment and being.
I watch him be playful.
One of my favorite things to do is walk Spirit through the rain forest here.
I am always in awe of the beauty. Nature is abundant and ever changing, adapting.
It’s quieter this time of year.
The animals are nestled in more with their little extra fat or store of nuts.
Just like we are……or some of us.
We are suppose to take the time when the days are shorter to listen to our bodies more, go within, rest, be……
Some of us instead of going within a little more, distract ourselves with mindless tv or trips to the fridge.
Sometimes we have been so busy doing it’s hard to just be……trust me, I know…..been a multi tasker most of my life and thought that was something to be proud of. Was so busy doing…….especially as a single mom, I had no idea how to be……I am still learning.
Walking in nature helps me with that for sure, I let go of my next thing I have to get done and really look with my eyes and see the beauty that surrounds me, never looking the same depending on the time of day or kind of light. I am learning to be….be me….and just be…..still….in the moment.
I am starting to carry my camera with me on these outings as I just never know what I might see.
How much do we miss by keeping busy, watching tv, multi tasking or worrying about things?
Take a minute, take a deep breath, let go and look around, don’t think, just be, maybe you will see something you’ve been missing, or maybe you will catch the sunset or some other beauty that has really been there all along,
Have a beautiful day!!