What are your beliefs in life, yourself or your business?
Are they empowering or dis-empowering?
Look around at your life and the answers are right in front of you.
If you like what you see, chances are you have empowering beliefs and if not………well, the good news is that you can change them!!
How does one do that?
First it’s about knowing what you do want. It’s having faith as well. Faith is being able to imagine it. When you can imagine it, you can start the process of creating it. See….. the mind does not know the difference between real and imagined, so get clear, get creative and get playful.
It’s the starting point of taking the invisible (imagined) and making it visible (real).
Having hope is for the undecided….. so to get past hope to belief….. create the emotion…. emotions are strong. Look at anger, excitement, hatred, love, doubt, passion and so on. Change your state. Sometimes little things like changing your routine, or putting on some funky music you love and dancing around the house can do it. True success, no matter for what, is really backed by hope, get excited, get inspired, get passionate!!
As that will lead to belief. Belief is rock solid. Now, it may not happen over night, but if you keep working at it consistently, you will get better results which will only re-enforce your belief.
If there are moments of feeling down or uncertain…. “Act as if”… or… “Fake it to you make it”, which is really creating new pathways in the brain, the more you can fake it, the more entrenched your belief will become.
And you can use Tapping to help get rid of any unwanted emotions…….no faith, no belief and so on.
“Whether you believe you can or you can’t…….You are right!!”
Henry ford
Anything is possible.
It all starts with you!!