
Real Bodies are fat, and thin, and both and neither and otherwise.
– Hane Blank
There is no wrong way to have a body!
– Glenn Maria
You were born to be real not perfect!
Cuz You’re amazing just the way you are!!
The problem isn’t with your body – it’s what you think of it and what you think of yourself – true self love is thinking love, feeling love, being love and eating love………not fear, judgment, hatred, criticism, jealousy, processed food (and emotions) or abuse of any kind.
NO two bodies are the same!!

This is a body hate free zone – remember – there is no perfect body only marketing and advertising that reminds you that you’re not good enough and then the self programming loop you keep running in your mind. It’s time to tell it to f*&^ off – we have approximately 75 000 thoughts a day – most of which were the same that you thought yesterday, last week and probably last year.
It’s a program – delete it and reinstall one of self love and body love!!
The body is the only place your Soul has to live – so take care of it. Raw, Naked and Beautiful – Real, Authentic and Truth.
Eat Real
Live Well
Love Deeply
Laugh Often
Never Give up on Your Dreams
Remember – there is nothing wrong with your body but there is a lot wrong with the messages that try and convince you otherwise.
– Rae Smith
Struggling with Emotional Eating or Body Issues? – 21 Days Food and You!!