100 Days of Stillness – Day 101

just joking!! 🙂 I want to send out a BIG Thank you to everyone who supported this, commented on posts, likes, messages and emails I received during these 100 days. Thank you, my heart is full and I am happy it was well received especially on IG. I will continue with my ICM photography and […]
100 Days of Stillness – Day 100

To transcend the matrix is thru the heart Be Still………..
100 Days of Stillness – Day 99

Nature IS Spirit, even amongst this matrix. It’s a bridgeway between frequencies, spend more time there Be Still……….
100 Days of Stillness – Day 98

There is nothing more precious than one’s Soul, it’s the only thing we take with us beyond this holographic matrix, so protect it at ALL costs Be Still………
100 Days of Stillness – Day 97

The eternal moment of now is constant, Be present, as it passes quickly Be Still………….
100 Days of Stillness – Day 96

What is in my control is how I spend my time, how I choose to respond or react, my self talk / self love, my boundaries, what I give my energy to, and how I show up. Go within Be Still……..
100 Days of Stillness – Day 95

Live from deep within so that authenticity, truth, integrity and self respect are the dominant vibes Be Still………..
100 Days of Stillness – Day 94

We were not created to sit at a desk or job for 8+ hours a day, forgot one’s dreams, doing the same thing day in and out, and to only have a couple of weeks of ‘vacation’ to go exploring, We are waaaaay more than that……. Be Still……….
100 Days of Stillness – Day 93

We’ve been led to believe that there is only one true version of reality, yet, in a world of infinite possibilities, is that really true? Go within as Energy flows where attention goes Be Still……….
100 Days of Stillness – Day 92

To be able to see with one’s heart instead of just the eyes, is one of the biggest gifts ever Be Still………..
100 Days of Stillness – Day 91

You do remember that you were born joyful, playful and curious, with infinite, creative potential right? Be Still……….
100 Days of Stillness – Day 90

The HUman heart emits an electro magnetic frequency 5000 x’s stronger than the brain. I know which one I follow…….. Be Still………..