Lately, I have been loving heading down to Commercial Drive or just ‘The Drive’ in Vancouver. Now I know some people have been hanging out there for years, but some of us have been hanging out in the back woods!!!

I love going down there, it’s alive, full of energy, artists, cultural, outside patios and little store front markets which of course I love seeing the fresh food, but all of it.  Living on the Sunshine Coast is great, I mean it’s beautiful here and so close to being on the ocean almost every day, but getting a little bit of different energy is always good too!!  And the fresh food is oh so cheap.

This past Saturday, I had to go into to the city for a bit and of course I headed over to ‘the Drive’ where I got as much as I could carry, fresh food and I soaked in the atmosphere even to a quiet, while I was there at least, protest for the G8.

For me, I find that when I can find little ways to re-charge myself, get my creative juices flowing again, it’s always good.  I come back  refreshed.  it’s always good to find the little ways to do that for yourself if no ‘big’ holiday is in the cards, squeeze some time out to re-charge yourself, you might be surprised at how good you feel!!

Healthy people find ways to unwind that build them up, not tear them down.

What could you do this week to do that for yourself??

Have fun!!