Time to Step into the Real You

Consciousness has no religion, no belief, no ideology, no gender, no sexuality, no race, no age, no nationality, no judgments……….You ARE Consciousness!!

After spending much time, as I shared in my last couple of posts digging in and doing some deep inner work this past year – I have also been diving into Quantum Physics and deeper into Consciousness and Energy as well – mind blowing is all I can say – seems simple yet not always easy due to ALL the BS (belief systems but yes the other one too), programs, doubts, fears etc

The more I learn I realize how little I know – being a Sagg I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and truth…….we have been lied to in so many ways and much will be exposed in 2018 in the world -and within ourselves – it time to take off our masks, live from our truth, connect more with our Souls and raise our Vibrations – which in essence is our awareness and our Consciousness.

My intention is to possibly plant seeds, wake one up on food, self love, body love, advertising, emotional eating, doing what you love to do and more………… we need now more than ever for people – especially women to step into their feminine yet powerful, authentic selves.

I have never felt it stronger and heard it as loud as I do now!!

As I sit on the back patio in Mexico I get to watch 2 Humming birds flying around and entertain me in between taking sips of their water – what a joy to watch – and that is what Humming birds represent is Joy in the native animal cards………where can you lose some old out dated beliefs, fears, programs and bring more Joy into your life?

It starts with a state of being.

As 2017 draws to an end I love to reflect back on what all happened, transpired, changed etc and start setting intentions for where I want to go and be doing for the next year BUT I don’t ever set any New Years resolutions and I will share why in my next post – maybe you will decide not to as well!!

Have a Joyful day!

