Consciousness – Yoga – Photography

Consciousness – Yoga – Photography
Quite the combination eh? You are probably wondering how that came about??
Over the years, with many modalities, workshops, reading and from experiences has come learning and growing. I have dived into consciousness and quantum physics off and on over the years not always understanding it. People use the words, yet I feel very few people truly embody it.
What I have and still am learning with an eating disorder it goes much deeper into the psyche than I ever realized, so it’s become more of my mission to dive even deeper in.
When I am going through some major life lessons I am always looking for what I can learn, how I can grow, what do I need to be aware of, the patterns and beliefs for things to have been created like that – as we are the creator of everything in our lives. What I am learning is exciting and I am diving deeper studying with Dr Joe Dispenza – this whole quantum field, consciousness and neuroscience is fascinating.
I still have a ton to learn and embody yet it keeps getting better every day.
Consciousness to me is personal growth, being willing to look at your stuff, open to letting go of ego and the way things should be, being more present in each moment as that is really all there is. Knowing that as being consciousness we effect matter therefore it’s so important to eat, think and feel high vibing food, feelings, emotions which I will keep going into!!

It’s about being present – not living in the past and anything that keeps us stuck in old emotions get looked at, released and healed. It’s about knowing and honouring who you truly are and not pretending to be someone else, competing, hiding yourself and doing things that aren’t you or you don’t like doing – even a job. leave the old crap in the past!
Breathing, meditation, love making, certain activities like surfing, yoga etc help greatly to be in the present moment!!

I have had the pleasure of being able to de-program many things over the last couple of years of how I was living and what I was doing. Even yesterday I got called out by caring people twice on some bs I was doing to still not fully embody who I truly be!!!
I love it!!
Everything is Energy – which has a vibration. Anger and hatred and process foods have very low or even dense vibrations. Love, Joy, Gratitude and real, fresh foods especially when grown with love and sunlight have much higher vibrations.
Example of how the Universe can work and does work when we get out of the way and try not to figure out the how.
Yesterday I thought of some photos I want to take while here in Sayulita, they are with the water and I need to use a slow shutter release – so slow I will need a tripod, which I did not bring with me. This am I looked up a couple of photographers and called two and left a message about renting a tripod, then got busy with some other things and forgot about it. Low and behold later this afternoon as I went for a quick dip in the ocean, as I was walking down I suddenly realize I was behind 2 teenagers who lived here and spoke perfect English were carrying a tripod and yes he would rent it to me!!
Does it matter?
Consciousness to me is about all that we do, eat, feel and say – trust me I am learning every day where I am not or have not been conscious and it’s not a judgment of self, it’s awareness and once I have that then I can choose how I want to feel, be, say or do!
I’ve dived into Yoga off and on since I was in my early 20’s, yet saying that not for the right reasons.
It was more for the asana’s and work out, not the body connection, breath work or even meditation.

After years of working out hard, my body said stop and I did very little for a couple of years (this is also when I was deprogramming on many levels). My body was tired and achy – first time I could truly feel being in my body after a in person session with Mas Sajady. People that have had an eating disorder or emotional eating work very hard to disconnect from their bodies. Yoga helps to reconnect to it IF done with being kind to self and not creating it into a fitness program, judgment about self, body, weight, what you can or can’t do, and what fashion you are or aren’t wearing.
It has helped me become more connected to my body, aware and kinder to it. Gone are the days of hitting the gym, long runs or any type of hard workout to look better or punish my body – it wants to be loved in many ways!
This truly is one of my passions and an art of mine that I have not allowed myself to do or found excuses why I couldn’t or shouldn’t do it. Plus I was programmed that I could never make money doing Photography – and I bought into it. All I know is I so enjoy doing it and there are tons of photographers who are better than me yet that is not what it is about. People have encouraged me for years to keep at it, yet I never felt like I was good enough to do it. So because it brings me pleasure and allows me to create and be / feel creative I want to bring in my Photography especially while travelling.
I have started working on a Photo Yoga project – where there is flow there is go. I am needing many Yogi’s for this project and so far everyone I have asked or talked to has said yes!! You will know more about it shortly and later this year it will be out! That is just one Photo project!!

We are moving in a direction of healing for many of us and embodying more of ourselves yet sometimes we just don’t know where to turn we just know it’s time!
Living this way does not numb us, it gets us back in touch with ourselves.
Real being therefore real conversations.
Whole, plant based foods are true medicine.
Sharing vulnerably is being authentic.
Authentic connection is liberating.
Singing, dancing, being creative and cooking is true medicine.
Nature is grounding.
Yoga is true reconnecting.
Meditation is slowing down and going within.
Love can create miracles.
Can you imagine a different world??
That is where it all starts!!
Much Love