
As you may or may not know I spent the lat 10 days in Cuba! I didn’t just go MIA 🙂
One of the places on my bucket list before it really changed as I so wanted to photograph there.

I don’t know where to begin with my experience – lets just say it was very eye opening and yes I did get to feed my photography appetite rather well!

At the same time there is not internet allowed in homes there, so if you can find a store to buy a card, actually you can find a card much easier not eh street but you will pay 2 – 4 times the amount of a card from the store. You need a wifi card to get on the internet – it’s good for an hour (or so it says – I lost 4 cards for less than 30 mins in time) and you have to find a wifi park – some higher end hotels will have wifi.

It is funny to see 100 or or so people all on their phones in one area – and when there is this many there is no chance of getting on the internet – i did well to log on and then check my email which in itself took awhile as it’s all dial up – OMG – won’t be taking wifi for granted any more!!
While in Cuba I met a guy who took me through all the back streets – places I am sure most people don’t go – he knew it well so I got to see lots and took many photos of Havana most people don’t see!

I am just sharing a few photos here as I have many – it was hard to choose and it may look like I took many cars photos – which I did – it was fun seeing so manifold cars but I took many other too and I will share more in upcoming posts!
I know my eyes got open in Cuba as I did not stay in an all inclusive place – I really got to see some of Cuba – it is a third world country and at one time it was an extremely wealthy country.

It has opened my eyes up to have more Gratitude in my life and my daily choices of even some simple things.
What a way to start 2017 – Look out as some exciting things will be coming down the pipeline here!!
Create a Fantastic Day!
Much Love