
Daily Photo

With the new moon this past weekend, my intentions were to let go of anything or anyone inauthentic in my life that was toxic, holding me back, not contributing or allowing me be me without judgments, criticism, sarcasm, inspiration and mostly love – unconditional love.

Letting go be not always be easy especially as we are deciding or going through it , but once done – man does it get a lot lighter and clearer.
I am grateful for all the things I learned even though some of it was painful at the time.
I wouldn’t be the person I am today and now I know I can choose something different.
I have clearer and stronger intentions!!
One thing is a Daily Photo.
It may just be a photo.
Changes are happening on my blog and a release of a new e-course is happening as we speak.
I am about change, inspiring and empowering and sharing my story
Hope you will continue to check in, share, leave a comment and connect with me on Facebook!!
Thanks for being YOU!!

Jodi Burke