Dance with Life
Can You Hear the Music of Your Heart Beat?


I tried to dance with life

yet I forgot how,

see, through all the programming

dancing really isn’t allowed


Be Good

What will the neighbours think

I am told,

so now life has me waiting on the sidelines

hoping and anticipating

that maybe,

just maybe

I’ll dance again.

As a child

I danced all the time

to my own beat of my heart

until the music was turned way down,

fit in

don’t stand out

this is how it should be

I am told


no one asked me

if it was aligned with my heart

so the music stopped

yet that is where I will find my music again

that only I can hear

and then

and only then

will I be able to dance again,

life has been calling me to dance

has it for you as well?

Then go dance and go within

so you too can hear the music

of your own heartbeat


