Day 2 of the Giveaways is Goji berries……..they are loaded with lots of great things and are considered a superfood, can be eaten as a snack with some nuts or on it’s own, added in smoothies, granola bars and more .  Through the holidays, we can all use some extra good things to help with our health.

Leave a comment below or just introduce yourself to be part of the giveaways!

Here’s to your health!!


7 Responses

  1. Love your video Jodi! I’m going to share it with all my friends! I personally need the reminder to make the right choices now to avoid starting the new year riddled with the guilt of an overdone Christmas past. Too much food, too many drinks and too much money spent.
    Here’s to a healthy holiday season, financially, nutritionally and spiritually and…….any other ‘lly’ that brings a smile from within!
    (ps I thought of another ‘lly’….emotionally! very important)
    (pps I really would like those berries!)

  2. Very informative and makes alot of sense , about how your body reacts around this time of the year. Eating healthier will also help your mind and spirt.

  3. Hey Jodi,
    Great advice video. Had a great green salad tonight. Yummy…

  4. I am just starting out eating more raw food. I am looking for some good recipes for the upcoming holiday. I have a big sweet tooth, so I’d like to try some raw goodies.

  5. Great casual video Jodi. I love the reminder that the real reason we are gathered with friends over the holidays is for the great conversation and sharing of love. So concentrate on that and keep the snacking light. I’ve been adding more and more raw into my diet and feel all the better for it. Keep up the great work with your inspiration.
    Live and Love in JOY……S>

  6. The first time I tried Goji berries I thought bet these things are going to be awful so I mustard up the courage plugged my nose (no I didn’t lol) and to my surprise they were wonderful! I actually loved them and try to eat them every chance I get now . I love to put them in a nut mix with fresh organic dates and figs omg what a good treat keeps me away from the chips which keeps me away yes I will say it the pop. I know I know pop really!