Have you ever really looked at that word and gave it some thought?
Diet………hmmm makes you wonder eh??
If you google diet, kinds of diets, type of diets……..OMG…..yet most of them are fads or we wouldn’t have so many of them.
Two things I have done to make my food experience better, well 3 but we’re going to talk about 2 here today and the third I’ll share shortly as they are all important I think.
One was to eliminate the word diet, as we know what word is in there and it’s restrictive. When I restrict myself or tell myself I can’t or shouldn’t have that, well guess what?? You probably guess right!! I have the type of personality for the most part I don’t like to be told I can’t have something especially when it comes to food. Now, I can choose not to want it or eat it which is totally different…..see what I mean? There is no restriction but choice, big difference.
We all know inside it’s calories in calories out, the type of calories make a big difference. If you are anything like me I don’t have time or care to count calories, just like texting I can’t keep track of how many give me unlimited please!!
Now that is not to say that is card blanche for go ahead eat anything and everything and lots of it, I just found it became easier and easier to let alot of unhealthy foods go and that need to overeat at times left too as I wasn’t denying myself anything. I gave myself permission to be.
When you clean up the way you eat, by eating healthier, whole foods, you don’t want those foods that have all the fat, calories and additives which are empty and nutritionally deprived. Clean it up and get rid of the word ‘diet’, choose healthier eating, healthier living, healthier being or I’m eating for me……whatever works just stop using the word diet or I’m on a diet!!
The other thing I did along time ago, like before I had kids, was to throw out my scales. Did I really need to know the number? Who cares?? I stopped looking at those numbers as we know how we feel in our bodies, in our clothes…..don’t we?? I used to weigh myself every day and alot of times not just once………talk about a mind f@%^*!!!! Those numbers could mess with my head and make or break my day…..that is not the way it should be.
This time of the year my jeans get a little snugger, it’s winter, I’m not out as much I mean it’s dark by 4:30 here for a few months and I don’t do the gym thing really and that is how it works for me. I didn’t say tight, I say snug. and I can live with that as I know it will come off shortly too once the spring is here. We are like animals in some ways and need a little more fat in the cold months BUT I don’t need to see how much!! lol
Common sense here and doing things maybe differently. Stop saying diet and if you find yourself weighing yourself often or you gt upset by the numbers on the scale, get rid of it. Do you really need that type of anxiety??
Break the pattern……..make it a great and healthy day!!
It’s more important to change your lifestyle habits than to do a fad diet for a while. Diets always make me feel deprived and I hate that.
Diets seem way too restrictive. I’m glad someone other than me thinks so too! 😉
Very good post! I have tried just about every fad diet out there and never lost any weight from that.
Diets don’t work!! You are totally right that people should rather just aim to be healthy. All that fad diets are created for is a quick way for the creator of it to make money.
Great article. I am trying to lose weight and nothing has been working. I have actually tried many of the fad diets out there without any luck.