A Different Kind of Kale



The other night I had a bit of a craving and decided to mix this up and see how it tasted!!  Oh boy, there was a little party going on in my mouth!!  It was exactly what I was in the mood for.  It also made me realize how simple my eating has gotten and yet so satisfying.  Also, how when guided by my body – once you clean up and get rid of so much junk, processed foods, sugar etc as a main staple – the body really will lead you to to want healthy foods and you can enjoy them.  I am not into eating things just because they are ‘healthy’ but what my body likes and wants – clean, green, alive, and healthy.

It wasn’t always that way.  I also realize as I walk down streets that are full of restaurants that some, most foods don’t call out to me or do I want them.  I am not controlled by food, emotional eating, my taste buds or addictive chemicals or sugar – woohoo!!!

Now please don’t get me wrong – I am not anal about it, or over controlling, it just is and it is very cool.  I share that only because of my past with food when it did control me, when I ate for emotional comfort, when I let food control me and my life – this is so freeing it’s hard to put into words!!

Anyways, this is a very quick and easy yet tasty and nutrient dense recipe, it’s vegan, gluten free and pretty raw of course though depending on how much or what temperature you warm / heat the kale – I hope you enjoy it as much as I am!!


– Kale – as much as you want – I put mine in a pot (yes) with just a couple of drops of water (you can do that with good quality stainless cookware) and basically just heated it – I did not steam or cook it

–  Coconut oil that was warmed (no not in a microwave)  Coconut oil (Purium’s Coconut Oil)will melt easily – so even if you put it in a glass dish and put it in hot water and let it sit in that for a few minutes- just make sure the water doesn’t mix with the oil

–  Minced Garlic – as much as you like – I love fresh Garlic and no one was around that I would be kissing or talking with so I went all out – but use how much you want

–  pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt

– 1 tsp Spirulina (Purium’s Spirulina)  this is such a nutrient dense Superfood that is easily digestable – my body loves this stuff

Mix the Spirulina, Garlic and Coconut oil together well and drizzle over the Kale.

Eat and Enjoy!!!

Healthy IS Cool!!!



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