Why things in our live don’t change??

It’s ok to admit it to yourself, we all do it!! (not out loud though!!)
We all have at least 60 000 thoughts that go through our head every day, usually the same ones
as yesterday and the day before and well, probably the same as a year ago.

And we wonder why things in our live don’t change!!

Definition of insanity: Keep doing what you’re doing and expect different results.


Hey, if things are going great in your life, then your self talk is probably going well, if not, well…..

Some of those thoughts or self talk could sound like
– I shouldn’t have eaten that.
– I need to lose weight
– I can’t stick to anything (not sticking to NY’s resolutions for instance)
– not enough money
– more not enough money
– how can I pay those bills
– got to pick up the kids
– what about dinner
– oh I’m so tired
– oh I’m feeling stressed, overwhelmed
feel free to add a few of your own in here.

What about trying

– I am healthy and alive.
– I am grateful for all in my life.
– I am open to receive abundance and prosperity in my life.
– I am attracting all the right people in my life (or business)
– I am calm and feel great.
– My body is beautiful.
– I love myself.

Just some examples.

Just think for a minute, do any of those (or similar ones), are the thoughts that go through
your mind every day as self talk??

Just say them and feel the difference.

How you feel is everything, you want to feel good no matter what is going on around you as there
will always be something going on.

Start being aware of what kind of self talk you are saying to yourself, see if you can catch yourself and improve it.
Look into the mirror and really say those things to yourself as you look yourself in the eyes, that can have a big impact. It’s also like going to the gym, you just don’t do it once and that’s all, it’s every day.

If it’s too hard, try doing some EFT or Tapping, that can help start it.

It all really begins with you.

Change a thought – Change a lot.

It’s time to stand in YOUR greatness!!!