Eating Healthy While Travelling

Many people have asked me about how did we eat healthy while travelling?
If you’ve ever travelled in the USA (and Canada and probably many other places) you will find that it’s all the same restaurants whether sit down, fast food or in between. Has that ever made you wonder why it’s always the same places – you can see the signs on the highway.
I’ve always settled when I travelled but no more as I end up paying for it but ALSO my health is my #1 priority. When I got totally burnt out and needed to sleep like 12 hours plus a day, I will never go back to that. I know stress plays a huge role, but also what I put in my body AND mind.
It’s now my lifestyle and I won’t compromise – that is my choice and I have no judgment of what others do unless they are looking for solutions!
Fast processed foods are mostly chemical concoctions labelled as foods and we have been advertised to so much that we think it’s food. don’t ever settle or buy into the b.s!
When we stopped for gas I would go into the gas stations and some of them were like littlemini malls yet so full of crap – we wonder why obesity is at an all time high, high cholesterol, heart disease, food addictions, food allergies and so on.
We had many picnics somewhere off the highway when we had time and if we were limited we would pull into the rest area as we had our coolers with our foods.

At the same time that I share that – I have to admit I love making food and creating – I am all about creating whether it be in the kitchen, in photography, in new experiences, in art, new friendships – I love creating. I also get not everyone is like that.
What if you came better prepared? You brought a cooler with some food already made or healthier versions that you bought before you left?
There are soooo many great blogs on the internet now with truly healthy recipes – many that are easy to make. Yet if you truly don’t like that or have time, go buy a healthier version of things at the grocery store.
Here are some ideas:
Hummus (of course look for non-gmo) great with veggies or good crackers
Avocados – great on their own or easy to make a quick tasty gac – (next recipe I will post)
Fruit to snack on especially if it’s crunchy.
Raw nuts like Almonds or Cashews – mixed with Raisins (always make sure they are organic as grapes are highly sprayed),
Wraps – great to hide all kinds of veggies
Non-gmo natcho chips with fresh salsa
so many other things once you start looking – easy to get creative here
To some that may seem like extra work, or the thought of ‘Well I’m holidays so I’m not working or I”m going to eat whatever or………’
Life is short – whether you live to 65 or 95 years old – it goes fast. Why not live it feeling the best you can so that each day can be filled with great experiences.
I mean who likes being stuck in a bed or a chair due to an illness that could have been prevented.
“Take care of your body – it’s the only place you have to live!” – Jim Rohn
I really go on about food as I do know and believe the way we eat effects us greatly – if we are constantly taking in garbage then that effects us in how we feel, move and think.
That goes for thoughts too – more on that next time!!
Eat Healthy
Live Well
Create a Life YOU Love!!
PS – I had some cool photos of places we stopped to eat and picnic and many were amazing places – I either lost the photos when my hard drive crashed or I just can’t find them yet on my back up…………you get the idea I hope though!