EFT / Tapping FREE on line Summit
If you are new to the world and benefits of EFT, then I highly recommend learning from the best. This is a FREE on line event. I love EFT, using it, sharing it and it can benefit anyone with anything with the results being permanent!!
EFT works well for food cravings, addictions, emotional eating and things related to eating and being healthier.
So, I highly recommend checking it out. If you are new to EFT, you can download my FREE manual here to help you get started Tapping!!!
Have a great day!!
Grade A stuff. I’m uqnuetsioabnly in your debt.
lol i hear ya, there are millions of dienrfeft opinions out there . The reason i dont eat 80 10 10 is because its illogical .If we had access to the type of Fruit as nature intended us to eat which is fully tree ripened in the sun, and seeded, than it would be much more sustainableBut much of the Fruit sold in usa Markets is picked very unripe, seedless and grown un naturally which means its very deficient
i love your videos. I cant wait till you make more : ) hope your havgin a great day girly. Wish i lived in the same country as you. i’d love to meet you. You’d be such a fun person to hang out with. Sometimes when im sad i watch your videos and i am inspired by your energy and happiness to pick myself up and be the same way. Thankyou š xxx