I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks as I had to fly home to Ontario for a little while and since then I have been left pondering a few things.
My family suffered a loss of someone very dear and quite young, actually the same age as my daughter, they were 2 months apart. My sister and I were pregnant at the same time.
It was his decision which is always the hardest and the saddest.
So many questions are left unanswered and I keep thinking what is there to our lives? What is the purpose? Why do some of us come and go quickly and others stay for a really long time? Why are we here? How can I make a difference in someones life…..even for a moment as we pass one another on the street and I give them a big smile, could that make a difference in their day? Probably, maybe, who knows but why not do it anyways.
I have the pleasure of each week tuning into Hans Christain King’s Modern Day Mysticism show and I always leave feeling so peaceful inside. Learning each week that we really are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience no matter what we are going through. The first time I heard his calming, soothing non-judgmental voice, it was an inner knowingness of some sort, like finding an old friend after a long absent.
I have gotten off the spiritual path and am now back embracing it. It helps to remind us when our days are full of stress, or things just aren’t going the way we had hoped or planned on, there is more to this thing called life.
I started this blog to help people eat healthier, try new different, healthier recipes and to talk about my journey with food. I kept feeling like I didn’t know what to share or how to say it and that something has been missing,……..now I know what to share and talk about, as I do have a story. I also learned while being back home that the recovery rate for people, especially women with an eating disorder is less than 30%……WTF??!!……I couldn’t believe it, that’s it?? That sucks!!!!
So, if my sharing my story, what I did and didn’t do that worked or didn’t work, reaches even just one person, then I will have made a difference…….it’s more than just about food. I feel so grateful that I am in that low percentage, but it’s time to raise it much higher.
It is now changing to Food to Nourish the Body, Mind and Soul – as they are all interconnected as we are. It’s still about food but oh so much more!!
Thank you for reading and being here and please feel free to share this with anyone who could benefit.
Have a wonderful day and share a piece of your smile with someone today!!