Food Gone Crazy

LOL – I couldn’t resist putting in this photo – looks like void of life eh? Isn’t that similar to so much of our so called ‘ food’ is these days??
Food Gone Crazy!!
If I was just starting out today to change how I was eating towards better healthy, real foods, I would be so confused and overwhelmed I probably wouldn’t do anything and I have a feeling that has happened and is happening to many people.
We have people from every way of eating claiming that it’s the best and the only way – from vegetarian, to vegan, to raw foods, to Ketogenics, to Atkins, and I could go on!!!
Everyone is talking about food, eating food, celebrating with food, shopping for food, watching food channels and more. It’s trendy to be a Foodie now. There is so much more marketing and awareness, but my question is WHY did it become so confusing, scientific, and even complicated!!??
What drives me nuts even more so is the labels, the mis-marketing, the confusion like when I google Superfoods I get blueberries, salmon and eggs…..seriously?? WTH?? Or Gluten -free yet has more toxic ingredients then if it wasn’t glue free.
Superfoods are nutrient dense foods – I don’t think those are it!!
What I have noticed is food is everywhere and so much of it is still chemical concoctions labelled as food and we are mass consuming much of the wrong things still – so much so that I was just informed in Canada they are pushing through an Obesity Tax. At first it actually pissed me off as I thought how rude, BUT the foods that people overeat and make you sick and fat will have the tax. Well, fine and dandy but I feel the crappy food or so called ‘food’ should just be removed period!!! I mean if it isn’t food but chemical concoctions, and people are getting fat and sick by eating them, then lets get rid of them!! Oh, but what about profits?……… really comes down to that and another way to get more money out of people.
It bothers me as so much of that food has so many chemicals in them, there are now over 10 000 food chemicals and some them are addictive ones. So not only are you eating high empty calorie and saturated fats type foods but with no nutritional value, so your body really still is hungry even though you have eaten something. Yet on top of that they use addictive chemicals so now you want even more…….kind of sick isn’t it??
What’s truly the difference between Non-gmo (and why do those companies have to get that labelling and yet the GMO companies and products don’t have to???) and GMO free? GMO free is ALL ingredients are gmo free, but non-gmo can have a certain amount of gmo’s in them……….yeah figure that one out.
What about real foods that mother nature gave us, organic as much as possible, simple, clean and natural……..boring you say? That’s because your taste buds and emotions have been overtaken by the chemicals and I’m not being sarcastic here it’s actually the truth. Emotions and addictions are big and the food industry knows that!!!
When you go back to clean food and try to eat highly processed foods (even with natural, organic or labels like that on them – if they are processed they are processed period, yes they can have better quality ingredients but……..and yes I am not perfect I do eat some) you won’t be able to eat them, your body will not want them and you will know and feel it. I hope your food addiction doesn’t control you!! 🙂 It’s not what you do sometimes, it’s what you do all the time – other words what are your habits??
What though with all of this food around and it being trendy to be a foodie and the addictive chemicals in the food does one do that struggles with emotional eating or has an eating disorder?
There’s nothing more freeing than making peace with food, having to have no label about how or what you eat and loving yourself enough to feel good enough not to have to use or abuse it, not being controlled by it and not over needing it!
Ok, thanks for letting me rant today!
And for stopping by!