Food is Becoming Boring


There is so much talk about food, blogs about food, websites about food and controversy about food that I feel like I just want to step back.

I mean that in a way that there is some great sites and people doing some great things like Food Babe and Natural News informing us about what is really going on, making changes and exposing the truth about healthy real foods.

I am tired and disappointed of finding out stores like Whole Foods are becoming Whole Ripoffs after being know as Whole Pay Check……when does the profit over health or profit over people stop??

There are health products up the ying yang but when you look closer many are not what they claim to be.

Keep It Simple Sweetie

Eat as much real foods as possible – organic and non-gmo too!

Yet everyone is different and good things sometimes get pushed to the extreme as in the Ketosis way of eating – makes sense, good healthy fats and then I see people promoting all the hot dogs and bacon you can eat as it’s protein and fat…………I just shake my head.

And I feel like I get too preachy as I so want people to realize the lies, the untruths about food etc

I lost my mojo for creating recipes and I finally realized why – it became a job but I love being in the kitchen and creating – I don’t usually like measuring and recording what I am doing – it takes the fun the spontinanity out of it!

I’ve been asking lots of questions lately – like why if someone is healthy as in eating all the right foods and exercising do they drop dead?  Why do some people look super great and others don’t even though they are eating the same. And so on……..many questions

Why am I here?  What is my true purpose?  Ok yes I’ve been going deep.

Been doing more yoga, meditation – want to do more breath work, paying attention and listening to my body when it feels good and when it doesn’t, learning about energy and consciousness – which I keep coming back to over the last 5 years or so…….Quantum Physics fascinates me.  So does Human Design that I am diving into as it’s the first thing that has given me some answers to some of these questions.

What is a soul connection? How does my soul communicate with me? How do I wake up my heart more?

What about the struggles I’ve had in life and turned them around – should I be sharing that with people who may be struggling with some of the issues I’ve had mainly an eating disorder, low self esteem and a bad body image thoughts.

What direction do I want to move in?

Can I be the change in the world that is needed, how can I help and how can I be of service?

I am finding this more important than what I ate yesterday.

Another layer of healing and awareness is underway……..for me at least that is!!


When we can lose the addiction or any charge we have with anything or anyone then we know healing is happening…….speaking of healing – what about this pasts week’s elections??


Talk soon

