If this doesn’t concern you, check your pulse!


These people run our so called ‘health’ care systems.

How they look and how the system is is actually a good match, and I could go down that rabbit hole, but this post isn’t about that.

During this time, I realized even more how screw up our system is, yet it’s considered normal.  By that, I mean, I have to wear a mask out so as not to ‘catch’ a virus, but people are loading up their shopping carts with junk foods, highly processed foods, alcohol and smokes and that’s ok.  Oh, and wearing the same mask they wore yesterday, the day before and so on…….. That’s normal?


Why not teach about boosting immune systems naturally?

More money in vaccines and drugs.

Yet, it goes far beyond that.

This is not a bitch post but a post of saying your health is important and your body is an amazing miraculous thing – when given the right environment – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

ALL f them. – together

We just have forgotten and very few are teaching that.  That is where you will find miracles – because, at our depth of who we are –  we are magic.

Healthy Eating Made Easy by Jodi BurkeI’ve always been into healthy eating and alternative modalities.  When I trained as a Raw Food Chef I created a simple Healthy Eating Made Easy book  (and recipe books) you can download for free and no it’s not all about raw.  Some great ideas for little changes for eating healthier – yes it can affect the immune system.

Which, btw I let go of any and all labels of what I am eating (ie Vegan etc) and allow my body to guide me.

I also studied in depth and used EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping on many clients in the past with great outcomes.  I created a little book on what it is, how to use and why when I was working with clients.  It’s a great tool anyone can use on themselves – easy to learn, quick and works great on stress, anxiety, fear and many other emotions. Download for free here.

It works well and is considered Energy Psychology.  More and more energy modalities, techniques and technologies will become main stream – exciting times.

To self empower is one of the greatest gifts one can give oneself.

So much out there that we don’t know and that has been hidden from us.

Stop buying into so much fear porn and dig deeper.  This is a great time, as much corruption and lies are being exposed.  We need more people awake though.

INjoy either or both downloads, feel free to check out my other books and to share this.

Much Love and Gratitude



One Response

  1. Hi Jody
    Love the connection between the Health Ministers and what’s going on.
    I’ve been making fire cider as an immune booster. Looking forward to checking out some of your recipes! Hope all’s well down there!