
They are tastier and easier than you think to eat!!

since being on the road there are a few things I am so grateful for!!

One is the preparing ahead of time and bringing some healthy foods / snacks with us as there was nothing and I mean NOTHING at any gas stations or stops to eat – yes there was a ton of junk or franken foods but NO REAL FOODS – how sad.

We even stopped by a grocery store in that had NO fresh food – their produce section was being fixed or redone – the whole thing – so nothing in that store was fresh or alive!!!

the other thing that has made travelling easy is our Purium products – yes I am definitely going to promote them here as not only are they alive, vegan ,organic and non-gmo when none of those things we could find, but also handy, dried (yes still live as they were dried at very low temperatures) but also convenient.

So instead of settling for the crap, fake processed foods on the shelves – we have been able to stick with Whole foods and Superfoods that are live and fresh – Purium and not as we planned ahead,more prepared, didn’t give into temptation, laziness, excuses plus we know how crappy, gassy and bloated we would feel eating anything but!!

its truly incredible when you really start feeding the body instead of just eating how good you can feel – most of us don’t know how good we can feel and its pretty amazing and keeps getting better!!!!

A quick and easy and oh my so tasty salad we threw together one night after attending the locals farmers market.


– fresh mustard greens

– fresh mixed sprouts

– toasted fresh pecans in coconut oil (usually I use Tamari for roasting / toasting nuts) this was

the first time I used Coconut oil and it tasted amazing!!

– chopped dried black olives

– Coconut cheese – yes coconut – it was yummy

– Spirulina (sprinkled on – yes Purium)

– very high quality cold pressed olive oil and balsamic vinegar lightly poured over the salad

We also created a side dish of Guacamole with herbs, lemon juice, himalayan salt, garlic and spirulina.

Easy, quick, tasty and nutrient dense and oh yeah real whole foods – eating healthy made easy!!



Here I am eating at Chocola Tree in Sedona Arizona – an amazing Raw / Vegan highly conscious, organic restaurant – all dressed in Green eating the Green Goddess salad (no I didn’t preplan it lol). Salad of romaine lettuce, kale, pulse, seaweed, cucumbers, avocados, sprouts and a little nut hummus – greens, tasty and nutrient dense!!


As Hippocrates once said – ‘Let food be they medicine and medicine be thy food’.

Here’s to your health!!
