So 2012 is now here…….did you have a great New Years? Did you set any New Years Resolutions or Intentions?

Yes I know I am a little behind, I had full intentions of getting this out earlier but we had a death in the family New Years day and I have been doing some thinking about life and living since then.

Every year it seems most of us set resolutions or goals……they have a list of the most favorite top 10 NY’s Resolutions……you know…quitting smoking, lose weight, get into better shape, make more money, work less, spend more time with family, tame the bulge……. but by March we are back where we once were, resolutions forgotten. Now, we made them with good intentions, or maybe after a few glasses of bubbly….so what is the trick?


Life is too short not to be living the way we want to be. Set your intentions…….be very clear on what you want, the more clarity the better. write it out, see it, feel it and believe it. For instance, lets say you want to lose weight…..don’t just say I want to lose weight or even 10 lbs……yes you can say I want to lose 10 lbs, but how will that feel, what will you look like? Will you feel and look healthy, alive more vibrant? Then picture that. Create a dream board with photos on it or with one of the new phones you can record you goal….get detailed about you will feel and listen it to every day especially when you are feeling weak or want to give up.
Clear intentions……..I know I have set mine out, wrote it out and even voice recorded mine so I can listen to it every day… I want to make every day count……isn’t that what’s life all about??
Here’s to making 2012 our best year yet!!!