Healthy Eating
Real Food

You are probably familiar with the Standard American Diet (SAD) or one or possibly many of the several hundred diets. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself or wonder why there are so many of them? The word alone should scare you off, lol.

What I am talking about for healthy eating is a lifestyle – it doesn’t have a stop and start date, it doesn’t consist of only a couple of foods, healthy products or eating a ton of a protein or carbs or counting how many calories or carbs or anything like that, it’s about real, whole foods, healthy foods – unprocessed, variety, tasty and nutritious.

A lot of people want to start eating better, but it may be confusing or overwhelming these days on really where to begin or what to believe. There are so many labels and choices that it seems the in thing to either be a ‘foodie’ or have some sort of label being raw, vegan, gluten free or…what about just plain healthy, natural, real food eating??
Who cares really?The best line I heard when someone asked if they were 100% raw – she replied “I’m a 100% raw except when I’m not”!

We really aren’t taught the truth about food and people are led to think that it is more convenient and healthy to eat what companies are telling us is ‘food’. Convenient, maybe, but it is not going to be the healthy choice in most cases. The best line I have heard recently is – “if it’s made in a plant – don’t eat it and if it comes from a plant -eat it’! Pretty simple isn’t it?
Hemp Hummus

There are approximately 180 000 species in the world and only 1 eats a processed cooked diet, the rest eat a natural raw diet yet raw and natural is consider radical and by some even not normal or unhealthy…

We have been programmed for example – fast food is considered at the drive thru or fast ‘ fake’ food as it’s well fast fake food. What about a bunch of cherry tomatoes, some kalamata olives, an avocado and some cucumber – now isn’t that fast food, I mean no preparing or cooking? See how we are easily programmed and not always for the best?

Even the so-called ‘Enriched’ foods are not natural. They are still man-made and synthetic, you are better off with the real deal. Think about it, why would you need to enrich your food with the nutrients that were leached out of it when it was processed in the first place? If you only took your food in its real state, there will be no need to enrich anything or read labels for that matter.

There is also more to healthy eating than following a set of rules. In fact, I think that there should be no rules other than following what is good for you. The trouble with things like SAD is that when we perceive that the advice we get is handed out by someone or some group we consider as experts, we tend to suspend our own judgment. That should never be the case.

What you should do instead is to listen to your body. Keep yourself as subjective as possible. Do what is best for yourself. The more real and natural you eat, the cleaner you are and the easier it gets and the better you feel. Adhering to certain guidelines can be very stressful and it creates unnecessary pressure on ourselves. Instead of worrying over not being able to meet certain standards in a meal plan, focus on getting real foods into your body, loving your body, appreciating the food and energy it is bringing to your body and eat without distractions like tv, computers, being on the phone, having arguments etc.
Go organic and raw whenever possible. Do your best to get the best quality foods that you can get – this includes your water and even spices and herbs and of course superfoods.

Healthy eating is going to vary from one person to another to some degree. I believe there is no one perfect way to eat that fits everyone – but since the rise of processed foods and fast foods so has obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc grown. Make your diet as healthy, real and natural as possible. Do what works for you. Doing that is going to give the body more of the right nutrition, enzymes, real vitamins and minerals and you will feel the difference. And avoid GMO’s as much as possible.
Fresh Foods

Healthy eating does not have to be hard, confusing, boring or time consuming, but it will take you making some changes and working towards a new way of eating – but aren’t you worth that? I think so!
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