Healthy Eating
Healthy eating means different things to different people. It has become clear to me that it’s something I do every day and I love sharing with people who are interested.. I’ve been asked several times lately if I was going to get back into doing more recipes. I was hesitant at first as I have a hard time writing things down, like the measurements of a recipe – it takes great discipline. I have the ability to walk in the kitchen and get creative and make up recipes as I go or look at one and modify it to what I want or what I have on hand. I also realized that a lot of people don’t or can’t do that, so why not share.
I also wanted to be more frank and candid about my journey through my disordered eating and how I’ve been able to heal that addiction, my past and move forward being happy and being me. Addiction to food is big in our society now a days – I want to touch on that and help people understand the benefits of eating healthier, incorporating more real, more fresh foods, more greens and more superfoods into their way of eating. It doesn’t have to be hard,expensive, boring and time consuming. Besides are you worth it? I mean if you don’t take a little extra time or care with what you put in your body today, your body down the road will let you know.
I can speak from experience, after a 7 / 8 month in the film industry working long, some very long days, eating in many restaurants (trying to still eat healthy), or catering from food trucks and yes they had healthy dishes but always on the run, I was a bit burnt out, I was actually depleted. I needed to be putting extra things into my body and when I’m out the door between 6 and 6:30 am and back anywhere from 7 – 8 pm at night some things slid. It does catch up with you.
I’ve had some down time these past few weeks and wondering in what direction did I really want to take my life, how did I want to live and spend my time. Nothing was really feeling right. Then it all clicked and I knew deep in my soul what I wanted and needed to be doing – so I hope that you will stop by again and check out what’s coming up as my goal is to share healthy eating ideas, green, superfoods, raw & vegan recipes, inspiration from breaking free from emotional eating & some Photographs along the way!
Would love any feedback. Please feel free to share this!
Is there any idea or thing you may be struggling with, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’ve been doing healthy eating coaching for years. I love to help people make peace with healthy, real foods.
Eat Well. Live a Life YOU Love!
I can’t wait for your forthcoming Recipes Jodi.
I loved it even more, when you would videotape you making the Recipes.
Can’t wait and thanks for re-focusing on this again…. it is what you are meant to do.
Thanks Ruth and I will do some vids as well!!
and yes!!
thanks for the support!!