Healthy People – Tandi Canterbury Rolen
This is starting to be so much fun for me – connecting with healthy, conscious, loving, amazing people and bringing it out to others!!!
Meet Tandi Canterbury Rolen

Last week I got to sit with Tandi for al little bit and have an conversation – this beautiful being is so busy as she is out to help people wake up to real health!! As we speak, she is in the process of opening her new and bigger health bar in the city of Wenatchee in Washington as she is expanding. The Hunter’s Wife (don’t you just love that name!) is a little outside health bar in East Wenatchee, which serves amazing healthy juices, smoothies and food and is attached to a Yoga studio. (but is closing as bigger space was needed – yay!! people are waking up and wanting real food!!)

Q – What does health mean to you?
Health to me is everything. It’s my platform for quality living. I’m worthy to have a fantastic, beautiful life. Health of the mind, body, and spirituality is key.
Q – When or what got you started down this path?
I was raised on frozen pizza’s, French toast, and ice cream. I ate this way most of my life. During that time I never was satisfied. I hated my body, I hated my skin, I was the biggest bully to myself. I so badly wanted to glow. I just didn’t know how.
The turning point for me was witnessing my grandmother pass from cancer. She was my best friend. I was depressed, and stuck in toxic habits. It was the darkest time in my life. I knew that it was my own responsibility to take care of myself so that I wouldn’t let my grandma down.
I started juicing. I juiced everyday. It didn’t matter if I was 10 minutes late to work, I stuck to it and it wasn’t long before I witnessed the shift in my body and mind. I started to fall in love with real food. It proved it loved me back. Years of acne scares disappeared, I slept fantastic, I took up yoga, running, biking, everything in my world was improving. There was no way I was going back to that darkness again.
3 years later I married my high school sweetheart in the heart chakra of the world, Maui. It was my happy place. We drank out of coconuts, swam in warm ocean water, and snacked on beautiful acai bowls. It was there that I knew I had to bring this happy place to my home town. And help others heal and change their lives. I’ve elimated all things and don’t serve me, and I created a job for myself to be around like minded people. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.
Q – What are some of your favourite health foods?
It depends on the day. I LOVE my banana’s. And I never go a day without raw dark leafy greens on my plate. Plant foods make me feel alive.
Q – If you could share some advice for people getting started on the health path what would it be?
IT TAKES TIME. Consistency is key to achieving life long healthy habits. You have to ask yourself, what’s important to you? If being comfortable in your own skin is a priority you will make it happen. Don’t over complicate things. There’s a lot of “health plans” out there that confuse us. Some plans work but 9 times out of 10 I witness people going backward. I just heard on the radio today that someone is trying to sell a pro biotic that is “found in skinny people” for weight loss and wellness. Uh? No. Look at nature. Your cells are always working FOR you. Your a living thing. It’s common sense to me, to eat living foods. And then everything else will fall into place. But be patient. Trust your body and nature to heal you on a cellular level. Good things take time.
Being vegan, I can eat as much fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats that I desire. I don’t have to worry about counting calories, portions, my weight. It’s effortless. I love this abundant lifestyle. And it makes me sad to see so many people struggle with getting on tack with their health. No more shots in the belly, or crazy vitamin drinks, working out extensively, or calorie apps. My juice bar – The Hunters Wife Health Bar is my happy place, to share for everyone to feel great and be great in the simplest form. Can I also mention that this lifestyle is cheaper? More convenient? And lifelong health insurance? I hope someday we can all rise above the pollution of negative self talk, bogus advertising, food restrictions, caffeine prone anxiety, and the truth about cancer. We’re all worth it.
I got to have a great conversation with Jessie and Daniel before I got some time with Tandi and they are pretty cool too – what I am finding is most people that are into real food eating, healthy eating, living, being and consciousness usually are – they walk their talk and are so interested in waking people up!!
Check out The Hunter’s Wife on Facebook
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Reach out if you would like to be featured – till the middle of July I am in the Vancouver, Sunshine Coast area – travelling after that!!
Create a great day