Heart and Soul

I put my heart and soul into my work, and in the process lost my mind!
– Vincent Van Gogh
Once you have come to know how great you are – then your heart, mind and Soul will not let you give up!!
– Shubhanshu Tiwari

Respond to every call that excites your Soul / Spirit – ignore the ones that make you fearful, doubt or feel not good enough.
Your Soul is always going to whisper YOUR Truth back to you, Your Soul wants what is best for you, and if you try to silence it’s voice, eventually that whisper will turn become a roar!!
What’s in your Heart and Soul must find a way out for you to live your Truth and from Love.
Everything else is just a BFFL and distractor!! 🙂
Be YOU Today!!
PS – Do You Know who you truly are at Soul Level? Akashic Readings available