Heart Energy

Love – Heart Energy

Heart Energy – coming from unconditional love from the heart.  Not easy in this world as we are taught that logical thinking is the most important thing, yet so many of us are shut down and cut off from our heart.

Our heart is the connection to our soul it is also the mediator between our lower 3 energy centres and the 3 higher energy centres.  In other words it is the bridge for manifesting from the spiritual or etheric world into the physical world.

Heart energy aka love is the only truth – unconditional love – starting with self and when that is pure and true it generates out to everyone and everything else as once the 5 senses are removed everything IS energy and everything IS one.

Things and people will constantly present us with things that trigger us  – how we react or respond to any of them is up to us.  If we are growing and evolving then we are looking, processing and taking responsibility for any and all triggers as everything is a reflection of our internal world and to come back to love – doesn’t mean you have to have that person or thing in your life – love them / it and the lesson and move on.

Nothing is true unless we give it our attention.

Shifts are happening big time – from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th – lots of changes and a lot of triggers are coming up for people – how you process is always of course up to you. The 4th dimension is where the heart truly opens, unity consciousness, forgiveness, abundance, and where Universal Laws are and working with energy more!!

Create an amazing day filled with Love!
