Higher Vibe Living

Be the type of energy that no matter where you go, you always add value to the space and lives around you.
– unknown
Whatever is good for your Soul – or your Soul loves…….do that!!
Vibrate so high that toxic people and things in your life fall away because they no longer are a match!!
– Jodi Burke
Positive Mind
Positive Vibes
Positive Life!!
ok so what are Vibes anyways you may be thinking and what are Higher Vibes?
If we come from the perspective that Everything IS Energy and well it is – then everything has a vibration or a frequency. It’s like radio waves – we can’t see it yet we know its there. When we start tuning into things more we can sense or even feel different frequencies or vibrations. We are doing it all the time yet for the most part unconsciously – you know you just feel something about a place or person sometimes – you can’t put a finger on it yet it feels off……trust it.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that place or person or whatever is bad – it just may not be for you or the right time – make sense?

What is Higher Vibe Living?
Well, if Everything IS Energy……and it is 🙂 – then everything we think, feel, say, do and eat all vibrates at different frequencies.
So what are you choosing in your reality?

Processed, chemical laden, fast food, pop or microwaved low vibing foods or lots of fresh water (not sold in plastic bottles btw) real, grown in sunlight, nutrient dense high vibing foods?
Angr, hatred, judgment and criticism of self and others or love, self love, body love, joy and gratitude? Low vibes vs High vibes.
Thoughts of hating to go to the job that you have or doing what you have to do to get by or thoughts of living and doing what brings you joy and surround yourself with people that are your tribe – as they are the same vibe 🙂 – even if the first part has to be for right now ( I get bills have to be paid)? Low vibes vs High Vibes.

Watching tv shows, lots of movies or always on the computer or phone with little to no exercise, body movement or fresh air – to spending time away form electronics and technology, time in nature – especially with shoes off when you can (great for grounding and healing), forms of body movement like Yoga or Tai Chi, walking, hiking, deep breathing or meditating? Low vibes vs High vibes.

Is there always some drama or trauma going on in your life or is there mostly ease, flow and peace?
Are you getting the idea now?
It all starts with ourselves – Love who are you in this moment and where you are at and know that each moment is a fresh moment and you get to choose – maybe you will choose something new or different this time.
As the Past doe not equal the Future!!
Create a High Vibing Day – you just may never go back!!
60 Plus Yogi’s share Why We do Yoga – you may just be inspired to start yourself!!