Higher Vibe Living with Food

Higher Vibe Living with Food


What does Higher Vibe Living with Food truly mean in our food obsessed culture!!?

Since being in Mexico I have been on an exploratory journey – clearing much old energy, old programs, wounds etc and diving much deeper into learning about Quantum Physics, who we truly are, unplugging from the Matrix and that ALL programing is a construct of our minds – look around – most people are running on auto pilot yet don’t know it.

Some – many are waking up.

We are NOT human beings – we our Souls – and while we are on planet Earth we live in what we call bodies.

Now, while we inhibit our bodies we do need to take care of them as we live in the dense 3rd dimension – we are not pure Love & Light…..yet., which is energy!

Yet at the same time we have become a culture that is food and body obsessed.

These again are distractors and programs that create separation, judgment and more.


I will share with you in a minute and please don’t get me wrong – I am and have been into healthy eating and living for many years – yet I keep it simple – I keep it real – real food, real body products, real feelings (I will also go into more of that in a post)……..it’s not rocket science yet today it is more overwhelming, confusing and make work projects to find real food and body care products so that at least our bodies aren’t polluted.

What real food looks like!!

Marketing is big and we are being lied to constantly!!

When I became a Raw Food Chef – I felt I was better, had better knowledge and was higher on the scale of …..I don’t know really just felt I was better – judgment, separation as I judged many people on what they ate or didn’t eat.  I have also been at the other end of the spectrum with an eating disorder and know what it is like from both perspectives!!

We have Raw, Vegan ( I do subscribe to non-cruelty and that we don’t need any or near as much meat as we have been lead to believe we need – eat it consciously if you choose to eat meat) Vegetarian, Paleo, Ketosis and I could go on.  Most feel they have figured it out and it’s the right answer.

For some it is.

Real Foods and Superfoods

Yet does it truly matter?

I will always come back and say that there is a HUGE difference in a big live colorful raw salad compared to Rotten Ronnies oops I mean McDonald’s  as an example.

But lets look at the energy of it instead of just the nutritional value or not of it – one is certainly vibing at a higher rate – live real foods will always trump dead process foods.  It feeds the body and cells and the body knows how to digest it and utlize it.

With dead highly processed foods the body is so busy trying to get it out of the system ASAP – sluggishness, bloating etc

When we start looking at everything as energy and vibration because everything IS energy – you start to wake up, you start to choose differently – usually starting with food first as then you can think clearer, then you will want to use cleaner products on your body – since your body is the biggest organ and absorbs ALL.

Yoga Teacher Leah in Sayulita Mexico

You may want to start doing Yoga (or something similar), meditating, spending more time in nature,  adding in superfoods, being alone or taking responsibility for ALL things in your life as a few examples.

That is all part of raising one’s vibe – raising one’s awareness – becoming more conscious.

Then you let go of judgments, right vs wrong, labels, and possibly even programming keeping you separate from yourself which in essence separate from everyone else.

When one keeps raising their vibration – less food is needed and one truly only wants real food – as real food (usually what comes from a plant not process in a plant aka man made for profit not real health)is what feeds the body and nourishes the cells – one starts becoming more aware of energy and starts playing with that – stepping more into the 4th dimension where things are lighter, more love, less judgment therefore separation – hence less food is needed especially toxic food.

Picking an Avocado from the tree!!

Taking on a way of eating for any other reason than truly feeding the body and cells is just another way to have judgments and create separation.

As we are living in the 3rd dimension food is needed to sustain ourselves.

Why not eat the best?

Junk food is labelled that for a reason. Are you junk?

When it’s time to leave this world will we truly be thinking how important it was to eat a certain way for a label, true health or how much we loved?

There are people too who use food to escape, self comfort, manipulate, over-indulge in or are addicted to (all the chemicals in the processed foods many are addictive ones).

Real Food

Keep it simple – keep it real – the body then knows how to utilize it well.

Pay attention today to see where you are at with food – aka any judgments with self or others? Pre-occupied continually with food – what to eat and when or are you listening to your body?  If you can’t hear what it truly wants then that is a tell tale sign to start a clean up process as once you let go of any programs or contructs around food and body you can tap into more heart energy and love.!!

Food for thought? Leave a comment!!


Stuffed Avocados with Chipolte Mayo

PS – Need some ideas for easy yet tasty real food dishes – check out the recipes I created before that are still on my blog.

Stuck in Emotional Eating? This 21 Day Food & You – Stop the Insanity will break the patterns and start you on a better relationship with food and YOU!!