Human BEings
Being in Nature Being fully Present in the Moment & Doing what YOU Love to Do


‘To be what I all a ‘quality’ human being, one has to be transparently real and have the courage to be what he is.’

–  Bruce Lee

“So long as human beings stay human, death and life are the same thing.”

     –  George Orwell

‘We are not human beings trying to be spiritual.  WE are spiritual beings trying to be human.’

     –  Jacquelyn Small
Animals Know how to Be and Be in the Present

Human BEings – Harmonic Universe – different levels of frequencies. “hu” which means “God” in Arabic, so HUman is really GodMan……….read that again!! 🙂

BEings – not DOings……..which does not mean you do not do, it means how do you do or how do you be?.

BEing is a state of consciousness. What state of consciousness would you like to embody by BEing it or living it?

So that when you do, you are doing it from a higher state of consciousness, from joy, from love, from pure pleasure and gratitude not because you have to or should or because someone wants you to.

That is when you do out of true alignment to who you be – real, authentic and true – in what you say, feel, think, speak and do.
YOU are Creating Your Life with Each Decision Each Moment

The more we do that the more we embrace our truth of a higher form of Consciousness and will remember the Powerful Creators that we truly be.  The rest are just stories – though they seem real – but it’s because we are giving them our attention.

We are really good at keeping ourselves busy while being human beings – because we have bought in to this reality being so real – the dramas, busyness to not feel, to keep ourselves small, keep separation within and with all etc

The best place to start to shift that is spend some time in quietness, meditation or nature – barefoot in the grass is so grounding plus it gets you out of the head and more into the heart – that is your truth!!

What energies are you being today? Are they truly aligned with you, your desires and your Soul?

It all starts with you – Mantra for today is I am divine Self Love.




‘Human beings are very strange.  They have ego of their knowledge but they don’t have knowledge of their ego.’

–  unknown
Quiet Time in Nature does Way More than You Realize