I love Monday mornings!!!
While most people are up and out the door fighting traffic in rush hour or rushing to catch the bus that is too crowded or having to stand in the subway as they’re packed in like sardines in a can, I get to by pass all of that.
It’s a choice and I consider myself rather fortunate at what or how I’ve choosen to start my mornings, loving where I live and being an entrepreneur working for myself allowing me to do this.
After getting the kids off to school my dog Spirit and I head out the door, up a steep little hill at the end of our road to a path that takes us into and through the rainforest. After about 15 minutes or so, we come out the paths end to the beach. It is the West coast of Bristish Columbia where we can see Vancouver Island, where we lived for almost 2 years.
After spending the past six months in Ontario, it has given me at least a renewed love for the Coast. Yes it rains alot here sometimes, even this morning as I walked back along the beach it started to drizzle, but it wasn’t snow!!! I could hear the waves beating up against the sand and stones. Before I started back up the road to our house, I stopped and watched a few Eagles as they flew and circled above…….rain what rain??
Returning home has allowed me to come with fresh eyes, loving the beauty that surrounds me.
No matter where you live, there is beauty, there are neat things to see or do.
Try seeing it through different eyes, you just might see something you’ve been missing!!!
Feel free to share what you love about where you live.
These photos were taken at different times!!