A Moment in time

This one I call – A Moment in Time

After my 30 day self challenge and taking a break from being on the computer so much, I have been searching for some things – what kind of Art Photography do I really want to create.

So much of what I have created and still is in my mind to be created I realize has meaning, a different perspective and some sort of metaphor.  It’s a way I get to intertwine my love for creativity, photography, art, quantum physics and more of the truth of who we really are.

I love to challenge myself to learn and grow and now that I am finally stepping more into the creative person I’ve always been, but have held it back for one day, the downloads of things I want to create is inspiring and a tad overwhelming as it’s coming in fast. lol

I also realize that I love a little diversity, not just in art, photography but also life.

I’ve been getting this urge to paint lately, so I took out what paint supplies I have with me from Canada and started playing, which btw I suck at.  I couldn’t figure out why I was having this urge and then I discovered some Impressionist Photography and was blown away.  I’ve tried in many years ago, but now it seemed different – painting with my camera – so very cool!

I share that with you as a little nudge in your life of do you follow the energy of what is being given to you, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time or do you dismiss it?

Sometimes it leads us to some great things that we could have never ‘thought’ about with our limited thinking.

Our mind is our computer that only knows how to regurgitate what it already knows.

Our heart is our connection to our Soul.

Where our truth lies.
