Infinite Possibilities

You draw to yourself whatever is in our energetic field.
You get to decide what you put there.
– Terri Hager
According to Quantum Physics we live in a world of Infinite Possibilities.
There are no limitations except what bounds us by our perceptions, beliefs and programs – which are based on past conditioning and don’t come from the present moment of Now.
So, if we do live in a world of Infinite Possibilities we get to choose.
Our so called ‘ reality’ is the feed back loop for what our beliefs, thoughts and programs are – our life is showing us all of that.
In order to choose something different we have to think, feel and be different – creating from the moment of now – where all possibilities exist and be willing to go into the unknown instead of the known or familiar aka conditioning of the past – aka patterns, programs and beliefs.
Reality according to Quantum Physics is not as solid as we think…… by changing the perspective of how we view the world or our lives creates more awareness which creates more possibilities.
What if………… you chose something different, something new, something true for you……….