When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.
– Eckhart Tolle
According to Quantum Physics – in a world of Infinite Possibilities – why would you limit yourself?
– me 🙂
The opportunities for Infinite Possibilities exist no matter what age we are!!
– Marianne Williamson
Hope is the magic carpet that transports us from the present moment into the realms of Infinite Possibilities.
– H. Jackson Brown Jr
Get the picture? 🙂

In a world of Infinite Possibilities – in other words so many choices why do we limit ourselves?
We truly forget who we are at our core level.
If you find yourself stuck, repeating the same things, living in energies of fear, doubt, struggle or other similar energies a question to ask yourself may be – What do I belief in order for this to be true?
Example – if I am afraid to follow my heart, my truth, my passion – I ask myself what do I belief in order to feel fear or doubt myself?
Don’t try and figure it out – the thinking mind can’t and you can’t solve this at the same level of thinking.

Be aware of an awareness that pops in out of no where – it could be 5 minutes or hours later and don’t discount it!!
If you want to follow your heart – that nudge, that whisper you keep getting from your soul then start asking What would I need to believe to do________? as an example.
Be open, be fearless, be playful – allow inspiration and guidance to come in.
Trust Your knowingness.
I have a fascination with old doors – maybe the gateway to other realities or possibilities. When I was in Cuba I shot many doors.

Some I wondered what was behind them, some I saw in and saw that at one time there was wealth, beauty and elegance and others I wished maybe I hadn’t seen in – 3rd world country.
Don’t be afraid to open a door – some ay close and that’s ok – nothing is a mistake maybe just a learning experience which is what this game on planet earth is really about.

Stop pretending you don’t have choice – you do.
Create an amazing day!!
Much Love
PS – Did you notice ALL the different doors?? Which were only some of the ones I shot – just like infinite possibilities. Don’t like the door you opened? It’s ok to close it and move on – there is nothing wrong with that unless of course you think so!! 🙂