Intentions vs Resolutions

Happy 2018 – what a fantastic year it’s going to be!!
Now that we are a few days into the New Year how are your NY’s Resolutions going?
What do I mean exactly by Intentions vs Resolutions?
I did say in my last post I would share – here goes.
Most people do the same ole thing every year – set the same resolutions – and they have them narrowed down to the same top 10 that most people choose,
- lose weight,
- eat better
- get out of debt
- make more money
- etc
You get the idea.
Sound familiar?
One starts off strong and by mid February if not sooner they’re back doing the same ole. Just watch the amount of traffic at a gym or yoga studio from the first week in January and then agin in February.
People are creatures of habits – trust me I know!
So how to make 2018 different……
One truly needs to et very clear on what it is they desire – not just think they want but heart felt.
Start by creating a list of what things, ways of being etc you no longer want in your life.

Get VERY clear.
From there make a list of things or how you want to be in your life and keep refining it so you are clear.
Get into the feelings of it – we want to access the emotional / feeling part of it and this is where one needs to be honest with oneself on what they truly desire.
It’s not always about the big house, new car, sitting on the beach all day – what feelings do you want to feel?
Healthy and vitality?
Is it a different career that brings so much fulfillment?
Is it a new healthy relationship with yourself? Your body? or a beloved?
If your life is here and you desire to be there (whatever there is) – what feelings and emotions do you have now in your life and what feelings and emotions would you need to have to be over there (having your desires)?
The only difference between here and there is your beliefs, programs (and man are they deep especially with cultural and communities etc), fears, doubts – they ALL act as filters.
The more you can see it in your minds eye – remember what Einstein said
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

The mind does NOT know the difference between real and imagined!!!!
So the more one can step into clear knowing of what they truly desire, let go and blow up all the programs, fears, doubts etc cause they are all nothing but big fat fucking lies anyways – the truth is always abundance and always love – look around at nature – always abundant! Then create and step into the feelings of it already being done – it may sound silly BUT IT WORKS! 🙂
I will keep sharing and explaining this in upcoming posts – Consciousness, Matter, Quantum Physics, Programs etc
PLEASE NOTE: Lack of anything is man made – it’s a construct, a program and is not natural to the Laws of the Universe.
You can NOT create something unless you picture it in your minds eye and also create an elevated emotion.
The more you do that with your desires – WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY – then it has to happen.
Everything is Energy – YOU being the observer of YOUR Dreams then can create matter aka manifest in physical form.
How cool is that?
Here is a simple analogy that may make is easier to comprehend.
You work 40 hrs a week and are needing a break. You want to go on a holiday, so you start looking at resorts to go to to get away (usually not just from your job but your life too and more than likely the weather), you search the internet, look at different places, see the pools, beach, oh all you can eat etc – I bet right now you can feel how it would feel to be lying on one of those chairs on the beach feeling the heat on your body, the gentle breeze blowing, the smell of the ocean and you can hear the waves crashing on the shore – then the beach server asks you what you would like to drink……….get the idea??
More people spend more time creating a great get away then they do their life.
Lets do that with your life.
Remember, the only limitation is you!!
So drop and stop all those NY’s resolutions and get clear on what YOU intend to have happen in your life and step into the energy of being it – that is also called changing and raising YOUR Vibration!!
Much Love & Gratitude