It All Starts With YOU…….
I spent the month of July couch surfing between a couple of friends as my place wasn’t ready to move into until the end of July and I spent a few days – ok a little longer 🙂 reflecting on my intentions and my direction and where I was going and how I could make a difference. Some of them became clearer as I had less worries or things holding me down for a month ie cleaning, kids etc
Since unpacking I’ve been going through a huge purge of my things – keeping only what I really like or use. I had become one of those people keeping things just in case of ‘one day’ . That got me to thinking where in my life I was doing that too.
Where in your life are YOU holding YOU back that if YOU didn’t could start that ripple effect – even if it is smiling more at the world and people around you.
Why not start today – right now and here!!
YOU do have a choice each day – each hour – each moment!!
Don’t ever under estimate Your power and how it can start with YOU!!
YOU are amazing – have an awesome day!!