Jicama & Beet Salad

It’s been quite awhile since I have done a recipe so thought it might be fun to create something simple, yet fresh, raw and oh so tasty – Jicama & Beet Salad.
Since being down in Mexico I have been eating so well. For me, I know the warmth, sunlight and fresh foods nurture my soul. There is an abundance of fresh foods down here besides just Tacos and Quesadillas!! lol

There are also many markets that happen happen several times a week in different locations where an abundance of not only fresh / raw foods, but tasty (from vendors) and organic. Usually more so where the gringos are yet so much great food.
I’ve been living off much Papaya, Pineapple, Figs, Avocados, Fresh Greens and yes I admit it fresh salsa and chips – locally made and non-gmo.

I truly feel for many people that the environment makes a huge difference. I know for myself while living in Vancouver and it was damp and raining a lot it was harder for me to eat as much raw foods as I do now – my body wanted and needed some cooked foods like Quinoa and roasted veggies. Here I never think of that. In sharing that – when you eat clean, your body will let you know what it truly wants – honour that. There are too many people out there dictating that it has to be a certain way. Yes eat healthy but listen to YOUR body!!

Energy is everything – if you are hating what you are eating and eating because you think you should or have been told to – you are actually doing more damage!!
The one thing that makes me kind of sad down here is the NA influence like Coca Cola is everywhere, and some other nasty treats yet isn’t it everywhere now unfortunately?? Corporate greed is all I can say on that one as it is not food – only chemical concoctions labelled as food and creates havoc in the body!!

Anyways, off my soap box and on the recipe – which is simple and leaving it up to you to get your creativity flowing a bit!!

I love Jicama and Beets especially together.
This is a Raw and Vegan recipe.
The selection of organic greens at the market is incredible – the one table sells about 8 different kinds and you get to mix and match and filler bag.
I chopped them all up to mouth size and grated up the Jicama (which isn’t as sturdy as Beets to do so) and also Beets.
I also did a second dish of just Jicama and Beets chopped up together. I also finely chopped up Tumeric thinking the color would be cool (orange with the white and red but as we know beets take over!)

I have been on a Basil kick lately as I have been getting it fresh from the market and it is sooo tasty with garlic of course.
So it’s like a Pesto but no nuts – lots of Basil, Garlic, cold pressed Olive Oil, pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt, I also added in a mixture of Sea Veggies (dried that I brought from Canada) and Irish Moss – good for collagen (trying to add it in more in my way of eating) but those two are optional.
Of course since being here once I put it on the salad or just the Jicama & Beet salad I also squeeze fresh Lime juice!
In the Jicama and Beet Salad I added in a bunch of Dill too. I let that one sit in the fridge for a couple of hours (ok while I went to the beach :)) to let the flavours marinate. Now you can use any herbs and I always find that fresh is smooch tastier and better.
It was a tasty delight.
The salad feel free to sprinkle on some toasted Sunflower seeds or Pecans or even add in Avocado and a sprinkle of Nutritional Yeast.
Jicama doesn’t get used often enough and is very mild tasting so really takes on flavours of there ingredients. Jicama is abundant down her in Mexico and has many vital nutrients and lots of fibre and probiotic role in the intestines.
I am so loving being in Mexico!!